IC 5146

ObjetFiltresBinTemps PoseNombres PosesTemps Total
NomIC 5146Luminance 1 x 1120”31110H37
ConstellationCygneRouge 1 x 1120”1715H70
Distance4000 ALVert 1 x 1120”1715H70
Détail prise de vueBleu 1 x 1120”1715H70
LieuSud PortugalS2 1 x 1
Date acquisition28/07/ au 21/09/231 x 1 480”374H93
SetupO3 1 x 1
InstrumentAstrosib RC 400Totaux86132.40H
Diamètre406 mmBias1X199
Focale3200 mmDark1X151
Rapport F/D8Flat1X111
MontureASA DDM 85Acquisition faite parTeam ARO
Caméra acquisitionMoravian G3 16200Traitement fait parTeam ARO
Caméra de guidageAtik 314LLogiciels utilisés
Montage de guidageDO AstrosibAcquisitionTheSkyX , Focusmax, Maxpilote
Echantillonage0,39 arcsTraitementPixinsight, Photoshop


IC 5146 consists of an emission nebula and an open cluster located around 4,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. Its shape is reminiscent of a cocoon, hence its common name. It is about 15 light-years across. It lies near the eastern edge of the constellation, close to the Lizard constellation, right in the Milky Way. Like other star-forming regions, it is characterised by bright red hydrogen gas excited by hot young stars and a slightly bluish starlight reflected by dust at the edge of a molecular cloud. The bright star near the centre of this nebula is only a few hundred thousand years old. It is this star that illuminates most of the nebula and brings out the very beautiful shades of red in the nebula.

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DÉCLINAISON: 44°16′ 44”