Ngc 4565

ObjetFiltresBinTemps PoseNombres PosesTemps Total
NomNgc 4565Luminance 1 x 11201966H54
ConstellationChevelure de BéréniceRouge 1 x 11201003H34
Distance43 Millions ALVert 1 x 11201003H34
Détail prise de vueBleu 1 x 11201003H34
LieuSud PortugalS2 1 x 1
Date acquisition20/05 à Juillet 20231 x 1 480101H33
SetupO3 1 x 1
InstrumentAstrosib RC 400Totaux50617H90
Diamètre406 mmBias1X199
Focale3200 mmDark1X151
Rapport F/D8Flat1X111
MontureASA DDM 85Acquisition faite parTeam ARO
Caméra acquisitionMoravian C4 CMOSTraitement fait parTeam ARO
Caméra de guidageAtik 314LLogiciels utilisés
Montage de guidageDO AstrosibAcquisitionTheSkyX , Focusmax, Maxpilote
Echantillonage0,58 arcsTraitementPixinsight, Photoshop


NGC 4565 (or CaldWell 38) is a vast barred spiral galaxy, seen from the edge and located in the constellation of the Chevelure de Bérècine. It is also known as the Needle Galaxy because of its narrow profile, and its central bulge is domed and square.

It was discovered by William Herschel in 1785.

Its distance from Earth is approximately 43 million light-years.

Its estimated diameter is identical to that of the Milky Way (about 100,000 light-years).

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DÉCLINAISON:25°59′ 16”