Ngc 6334

ObjetFiltresBinTemps PoseNombres PosesTemps Total
NomNgc 6334Luminance 1 x 1150”00H00
ConstellationScorpionRouge 1 x 1150”512H13
Distance3340 années-lumiéreVert 1 x 1150”411H71
Détail prise de vueBleu 1 x 1150”411H71
LieuEl Sauce ChiliS2 1 x 1600”6210H33
Date acquisition03 Mai au 30 Mai 20231 x 1 600”9115H17
SetupO3 1 x 1600”599H83
InstrumentPlanewave CDK14Totaux34540.88H
Diamètre356 mmBias1X199
Focale2563 mmDark1X151
Rapport F/D7.2Flat1X111
MontureMathis Mi500/750Acquisition faite parCecil Navick AstroVision
Caméra acquisitionCamera Moravian C4 36×36 CMOSTraitement fait parTeam ARO-Francis Bozon
Caméra de guidageZWO Asi 1600 mmLogiciels utilisés
Montage de guidageDO Skymeca 3”AcquisitionTheSkyX , Focusmax, Phd guiding, Maxpilote
Echantillonage0.72 arcsTraitementPixinsight, Photoshop


NGC 6334 is an emission nebula and star-forming region in the constellation Scorpius. NGC 6334 was discovered by the British astronomer John Hershel in 1837. This nebula is often called the Cat’s Paw Nebula and sometimes the Bear’s Paw Nebula.

NGC 6334 is about 3340 light years from the Solar System and the latest estimates put its age at 500 million years. The apparent size of the cluster is 35 x 20 arcminutes, which, given the distance, gives a maximum real size of around 50 light-years.

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DÉCLINAISON: -36°06′ 10”