Ngc 6888

ObjetFiltresBinTemps PoseNombres PosesTemps Total
NomNgc 6888Luminance 1 x 112000H
ConstellationCygneRouge 1 x 1120732H43
Distance5650 années_lumièreVert 1 x 1120732H43
Détail prise de vueBleu 1 x 1120732H43
LieuSud PortugalS2 1 x 14808711H60
Date acquisition19/07 au 01/10/20241 x 1 48014819H73
SetupO3 1 x 14808511H60
InstrumentAstrosib RC 400Totaux53942H67
Diamètre406 mmBias1X199
Focale3200 mmDark1X151
Rapport F/D8Flat1X111
MontureASA DDM 85Acquisition faite parTeam ARO
Caméra acquisitionMoravian C4 CMOSTraitement fait parTeam ARO
Caméra de guidageAtik 314LLogiciels utilisés
Montage de guidageDO AstrosibAcquisitionTheSkyX , Focusmax, Maxpilote
Echantillonage0,58 arcsTraitementPixinsight, Photoshop


The Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) is an emitting nebula 25 light years across in the constellation Cygnus. This ‘cosmic bubble’ in space owes its striking appearance to a massive, bright central Wolf-Rayet star (WR 136) that pushes the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in its envelope outwards. Burning its fuel at prodigious speed, WR 136 is nearing the end of a short life that should end in a spectacular supernova explosion.

It has an apparent magnitude of 7.4, is 18 x 12 arcminutes in size and is about 5,000 light-years from Earth. The Crescent Nebula is also known as Caldwell 27 and Sharpless 105. It was first recorded by William Herschel in 1792.

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ASCENSION DROITE:20h12’06,650s

DÉCLINAISON:38°21′ 17,80”